Monday, December 31, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
I hope you all had a Merry Holiday!

Finally I have a moment to post, and catch up with everyone! It seems the last several weeks have been a blur of activity...from participating in shows, to spending time with family, and seeing old friends....and getting my home ready for the Holiday's. The last month has flown by, and I can't believe that Christmas was here and gone so quickly!
It was a pleasure to meet some new friends at my last few shows of the year, and see so many familiar faces too. Here are a couple of pictures from the last of my 2007 shows for those of you that were not able to attend.....
Here are a few special moments from our Holiday this year.....Simon decorating cookies & cakes with his cousins....
Simon hanging ornaments on our tree......It was a pleasure to meet some new friends at my last few shows of the year, and see so many familiar faces too. Here are a couple of pictures from the last of my 2007 shows for those of you that were not able to attend.....

I managed to squeeze in some time to hit the local monthly antique faire here in Sacramento looking for a present for my father, as well as a few goodies for myself. Here are the treasures I came home with just for me.....a lovely little doll size crazy quilt, some trinkets for my art, and an antique pair of leather & velvet baby shoes with pretty blue buttons.....
I have all sorts of new ideas running around in my head of things that I would like to make, but first I have to get some early spring cleaning and organizing done around the house. Are any of you feeling that early spring "itch"?
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
HollyDaze & Vine
It was a wonderful show, just the thing to kick off off the Holiday's! Everyone's tables were packed full of goodies, and there was a nice variety of styles and mediums available. It was great to see old friends and catch up, and we always have a lot of fun at his show! Thank you to those of you that stopped by and took home a treasure for your collection.....I hope you enjoy them! Here are some pictures from the show...a few of my table....

And here are some of the other lovely tables at the show.... first is Christy's and her delightful cloth folk...
And here is Ginny with her TroutCreek gang...
Kitty with her creations....
Here is Sharon's Table...I LOVE her new gnome designs!!

And I met a new friend at the show....Cheri Williams...here is her fabulous table of paper whimsies...
Wendy and her incredible chocolate molds! I love the giant ones...so neat!
The eclectic offerings of Edgar & Edgar....
Some wonderful glass art by Charles Hall...
Arbutus Hunter and her fun, retro inspired things....
And a few close up pictures of some of my offerings that sold at the show.....

See you at my next show..... the Holiday Art & Craft Festival sponsored by the Crocker Art Museum on Thanksgiving weekend. This three day show will have 80 artists in a wide range of styles and mediums. Please stop by and say "Hi" it will be a fabulous show!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Memories Of Summer....
Hello everyone! I've been away....spending time with family, working at my son Simon's preschool, making things for my upcoming shows, and enjoying all that Fall has to offer! Here are a few of my favorites memories from summer....Simon at Disney's California Adventure
The whole family posing with the "Cars" gang....that's my mom on the left, myself, and hubby Ryan, with Simon in the middle.....

Fun times at Knott's Berry Farm....

A day at the California State Fair.....wonderful dancers in beautiful costumes....

A race at the boating safety exhibit....

Will Simon's boat finish first?
The home stretch!!
Nope....his was the one on the far right...it went over to the side at the end, but we still had fun just the same. :)
Aren't these miniature antique motor's cute!
The art of Dr. Seuss at the ToyTopia exhibit....

The tower of toys.....
The giant slide......

A Day Out With Thomas The Tank Engine....
Riding on the Thomas train....
Simon & Sir Topham Hatt.....
As you can see, I love spending time with my family....and enjoying activities that bring a smile to my son's face! Thanks you for taking a walk down memory lane with me. :)
I have an upcoming show in Petaluma California on Saturday November 10th from 9am to 3pm. It's the HollyDaze & Vine show, and it's a wonderful folk art show where you can see a variety of art encompassing all of the Holiday's between Halloween and New Year's. I hope some of you can stop by to see my newest Holiday art, and say "Hi".
I plan to post updates more often, but things are a bit hectic for me this time of the year so please bear with me. I will be shooting to post an update a couple of times this month as time allows...thank you for your patience! :)
Here is one more picture of my little guy all dressed up and ready to go Trick Or Treating last week. He is Remy from Disney's Ratatouille.......which, by the way, will be released on DVD this Tuesday. Pick of a copy of this delightful film....I think it is one of the best animated movies I've seen this year!
A day at the California State Fair.....wonderful dancers in beautiful costumes....
A race at the boating safety exhibit....
Will Simon's boat finish first?
The home stretch!!
Nope....his was the one on the far right...it went over to the side at the end, but we still had fun just the same. :)
A Day Out With Thomas The Tank Engine....

Riding on the Thomas train....
I have an upcoming show in Petaluma California on Saturday November 10th from 9am to 3pm. It's the HollyDaze & Vine show, and it's a wonderful folk art show where you can see a variety of art encompassing all of the Holiday's between Halloween and New Year's. I hope some of you can stop by to see my newest Holiday art, and say "Hi".
I plan to post updates more often, but things are a bit hectic for me this time of the year so please bear with me. I will be shooting to post an update a couple of times this month as time allows...thank you for your patience! :)
Here is one more picture of my little guy all dressed up and ready to go Trick Or Treating last week. He is Remy from Disney's Ratatouille.......which, by the way, will be released on DVD this Tuesday. Pick of a copy of this delightful film....I think it is one of the best animated movies I've seen this year!

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