It seems that giveaway fever has spread throughout blogland....so many are holding their own this month! Please stop by these wonderful blogs to throw your name in the hat for some fabulous prizes!
Lorraine of PieCake primitives, April of April's Folkart, and Colleen of Merry Wishes and Vintage Dreams. I hope that I haven't forgotten anyone, but if I have, please let me know and I will update with your giveaway info too.
1. I am a huge Dr. Seuss fan! I grew up learning to read with Dr. Seuss, and I am helping to teach my son to read with all of my favorites too! That might help to explain my quirky sense of humor about life. :)
2. I hate coffee....including anything coffee flavored like candy, cake, mocha drinks, etc. I can't stand the smell of it brewing either....churns my stomach. I know most people like coffee and will probably think that's strange, but too me it smells just awful.
3. I am a clutter-holic.....piles seem to multiply in my home, which is why you'll rarely see photographs of my house, LOL! I live in a small house, and have a hard time throwing things away, so stuff accumulates. Now, I am not as bad as the ones you see on TV where there are only paths going through each room, but I do have to say that I have more "stuff" than I really have room for, and should really get rid of a bunch of it!
4. When I was in high school, my group of friends loved the movie The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and we used to go every Friday night, and would dress up as characters from the movie. I had very short hair back then, and so I was a perfect Columbia for those of you that are framiliar with the movie. I had the whole costume, including the top hat and tap shoes, and I'm sure our parents thought we were crazy, but we sure had fun!
5. I am always cold at home, and like to turn the heater up....hubby is always hot, and has to turn it down. And so the thermostat wars go on...day after day....year after year....with neither one of us winning. I know some of you can relate! :)