I love Spring....the flowers blooming, the nice weather, and everything seems clean and fresh again! Spring is a chance for me to plan events for the rest of the year, get some cleaning and organizing done, and gather my ideas on things I would like to make, and new techniques I would like to try. Spring is a happy time of year for me. I borrowed the lovely photo above from a good friend of mine,
Lana Manis of Honeysuckle Lane. She takes the most beautiful photographs and they always bring a smile to my face. Thank you Lana! :) Stop by her
blog to see more of her photography and art.....you're in for a treat!
Since Easter is early this year, I only found time to make one Easter themed piece, which will debut on
PFATT Marketplace tonight around midnight Pacific time. Here is a peek at my Easter Bunny Egg Theater....

A couple of weeks ago,
Annie of Annie Beez Folk Art, a great gal & a very talented artist, tagged me to list six random things about myself...
Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
Here are my six random facts...
1. I am a night owl....and often stay up late at night to watch a movie, or read a good book!
2. Speaking of good books...my absolute favorite author is
Dean Koontz! I have read all of his books, and always pick up the new ones as they come out in hard back.
3. I am a gum chewer...I chew several pieces a day, sugarless of course! I carry a pack on me at all times.
4. My least favorite chore around the house is cleaning the bathrooms...yuck.
5. I get motion sickness very easily, and have to either drive or ride in the front seat on road trips, can't ride in boats for very long, and I don't do roller coasters.
6. I love cereal....we always have several kinds in the house, as I never know what I'll have a craving for. sometimes I'll even have a bowl at night as a treat...yum!
Here are the six people I am tagging;
Steph of Once Upon A NotionJamie of Peach Street's BlogLa Donna WelterTonya of Back Porch Pickin'sNikki of Kaniki'sBJ of Daughternature Primitive FolkartThanks for the fun Annie! I'm looking forward to reading your six random things ladies, and thanks for being good sports! :)
I have also been given an award from two very nice women who are both amazing artists to boot...
Nancy Malay &
Lone Pierette.....thank you both, you also make my day! :)

I would like to pass this award onto
Elaine of Artful-Spirit,
Lana of Honeysuckle Lane,
Annie of Chickadee Primitives, and
Sandy of Sam I Am Creations....their blogs inspire me, and are always a joy to read!
I hope you all are having nice Spring weather and can spend a few minutes this week taking a peek outside to see what might be blooming in your yard.