This picture below is my sketch of the next stone set piece I'll be working on, featuring two cabs cut by Laura of Cabbing Rough. They are so pretty together, and will be blooming into a pretty flower themed necklace! You can see the sketch next to it, which I did for the finished necklace that's in my shop currently....you can see how it turned out here. I always do up a couple of sketches when deciding how I was to set a cabochon. I find it helps a lot to have something to refer back to, and I make changes as I go. This is the first rough sketch for this piece.

- Esmeralda http://jewelry-by-silverblueberry.blogspot.com/
- Happy Tortoise Designs http://www.happytortoisedesigns.blogspot.com/
- Crow Steals Fire http://crowstealsfire.blogspot.com/
- Contemporary Jewelry by Beatriz Fortes http://cjbf.blogspot.com/
- steph http://stephstargell.com
- Jessica @ Abella Blue http://www.abellablue.com/blog
- Pennee- All Wired Up Jewelry Designs http://www.allwiredupjewelrydesigns.blogspot.com/
- Stacy http://www.formandfunktionaccessories.blogspot.com/
- Mary Anne Karren http://silverpearlmetalworks.wordpress.com/
- Brightstar109 www.brightstar109.blogspot.com
- Amy Nicole Artisan Jewelry Http://Rubymtnbeads.blogspot.com
- Resurrection Silver http://www.resurrectionsilver.blogspot.com
- Kwant Essentials http://kwantessentials.blogspot.com/2011/07/show-and-tell-from-start-to-finish.html
- Kit and Caboodle Shop http://thisartistsjourney.blogspot.com
- Julie http://jamauerer.blogspot.com
- Lilian http://www.girllovesglitter.blogspot.com/
- Autumn Bradley Jewelry Design http://www.autumnbradley.blogspot.com