1. I'm a vegetarian.....and have been since 1990. At first it was something that I decided to try, and now it's become a way of life for me. I'm not sure that I could ever eat meat again....it would be very strange I think. Although a smoking BBQ sure gets my taste buds going!
2. Some of you may not like me for this one, but I hate country music. I am a rock gal.....and I like all era's of rock, but no country for me!
3. I'm a homebody.....and prefer not to go out of the house unless I have to. I put off errands and try to do them all one day a week, so I can stay home and create, and spend time with my family.
4. I'm an avid reader, and usually have a book going at all times. I mostly read fiction....horror. The scarier the better! My favorite author is Dean Koontz, along with Stephen King, John Saul, Mary Higgins Clark, and Michael Crichton.
5. I'm a HUGE cat lover. I live by the motto "One can never have too many cats" although my husband doesn't share the same philosophy, so we only have three. :) I have always had cats since I was a little girl, and used to do volunteer work at the local humane society taking care of the stray cats and dogs. I loved them all. Here's a picture of my three girls.....Carrie, Samantha, and Miranda. They are all one year old now.
6. I used to have a huge fear of flying, but was able to overcome it after being determined to get past it. I forced myself to fly a couple of long flights, and found that it wasn't as bad as I had imagined. I still get a bit nervous on take off, but that's all. Now if I can just get over my fear of the dentist....
7. My favorite movie of all time is Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho. It became my favorite movie when I was 13, and I started collecting things related to it, and made a scrap book. I still have my

OK, so now that I've posted my list of seven random things, I am tagging Stephanie. Thanks for being such a good sport Steph!
Sylvia, maybe you could help ME to get over my fear of flying? :)
Nice to read more about you.
Sylvia~ What a beautiful page you have! I love your kitties, and your work is amazing! I admire your unique style.
Sylvia, I really enjoyed reading about you. I love being home too. I just love my house, it's my favorite place to be. We have that in common. I also love cats and your cats are just beautiful!! Great job on your blog.
Hi Syliva~
I love your new "blog look". The template looks great! Thanks for playing, I enjoyed reading about you. I'm definitely a homebody too, my poor husband does a lot of the shopping :). And Mary Higgins Clark is one of my favorites too...have read them all.
Love your kitties, they look so sweet.
What cool info about you, Sylvia! Thanks!!
Hello, my we have alot in common from reading your tag..glad you came to visit my blog..and remeber seeing you on 'Folk of art'...and have to get some pictures of my kitties..will add you to my growing list of eye candy! Keep creating!
awwwwwwwwwwwww sylvia!! I wanna come over and play with your KITTIES!!! HOW CUTE ARE THEY?!?!?! Oh my goshhh..im in love!!!! :)
and i too.. dont really care for country music..so we can hang out together and ROCK heheheeh :)
Hi Sylvia!!
I just found you here through Debra's blog, very cool!! I'll add you to mine :).
Thanks for taking the time to read and post everyone! It was fun listing 7 factoids about myself, and I hope you all had fun reading them. :)
Oh my gosh, you have three beautiful puddy tats, how lucky are you!!!
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