This months Aspiring Metalsmiths group blogroll theme is to show the first piece of jewelry that we made and talk about where we started. Well, I don't think I have a picture of the actual first piece of jewelry that I made, due to my computer crashing last year, but I was able to dig up a photo of some pieces made shortly after, and that were pretty much along the same lines. I have always loved jewelry, and bought a few books with projects that seemed right up my alley, and then started playing....
These collage charm pendants were made a few years ago, using glass, copper foil tape, decorative papers and vintage images. I soldered them closed using silver based soft-solder, flux and a soldering iron....much like working with stained glass.

Please take some time to stop by my fellow Aspiring Metalsmither's and read about their humble beginnings by clicking the links below.
Jessica -
Clarity -
Claire -
Stacy -
Pennee -
Brandy -
Gloria -
Joy -
Autumn -
Gayle -
Esmeralda -
Great to see your journey Sylvia! Your early work looks good, but I love your recent work!
Great change that you have^^ i love the bangle! The last pendant is beautiful especially the stone forest like patterns^^
Great blog- we have all come so far and it was fun to read yours!
I Love your ring. Also your first pieces aren't bad enough. ;) The metalwork looks great!
Sylvia...great post. Wasn't it beneficial to look back over your work and see your progress! It gave me hope! BTW, I love the ring.
Wonderful blog! Your items are all great!
Sylvia, I have one of you silhouette charms and love it! Your jewelry was beautiful then and it is certainly beautiful now.
Thanks for sharing your journey with us. :)
Love your work, and even really love your first pieces - they are so sweet and charming.
Can you please let me know what books you bought to start with? It would be great to know which ones were really useful.
Also, could you estimate how much $ it would cost to just get going on some basic, basic metalsmithing?
Thanks so much -
Sylvia, I am so impressed as to how far you have come. Your jewelry is gorgeous....
Beautiful pieces every step of the way. So interesting to hear about how we all started along the way
Such pretty pieces every step along the way. So interesting to hear how we all started.
We are still enjoying the pendant you created for my youngest daughter!
Hey there, found you on the Aspiring Metalsmith's blog! Thank you for the inspiring post, it's good to know that self-taught jewelry artists kind of all start at the same place, lol. I'm on the "second" stage myself and look forward to getting my torch to do some real smithing like you have (:
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